The Pastoral centre hosts a wide variety of classes and events. Here we give you a taste of what is on offer and contact details.

REELROBICS is a new and exciting dance programme combining traditional Irish dance with aerobics for a full body workout.
Classes in the Pastoral centre are 7pm each Wednesday.​
Email info@reelrobics to book your space.​
Find further information at or visit our Facebook page.​

Reid McKernon School
of Irish Dance
Reid McKernon School of Irish Dancing offers weekly beginners & improvers lessons with an experienced tutor at the Pastoral Centre at 2.30pm - 3.30pm & 3.30pm - 4.30pm each Wednesday.​
Contact Conor 07752580032

Happy Dancing
Every Friday 7 - 9pm. Experienced dancers and beginners welcome.
Great company, great fun, great exercise !
Pay on the night £ 5
Contact Carol 07712464865​

Monthly Tea Dance
music by Louis Small

Carers, Tots & Toddlers
The First Tuesday of the month 2.30- 4.30pm. Tea & cakes, good company and a whirl around the dance floor. What more would you want? Just come along. Entrance £3
Every Monday morning 10 - 12.00 noon. Plenty of space, great variety of toys and games, drink and snack only £ 2 per family.
Contact Mary Gallagher 07732642326 or just come along.

Parish Prayer Group -
Praise & Fellowship
Every Tuesday night 8 - 9.30pm. Nourishing the soul. Fellowship, praise and song. Come and see !

Thursday Club
over 60s
Company, Trips & Dancing
Meets every Thursday 10.30 - 1.30pm.